Monitoring and analysing of TwinCAT process data on mobile devices
The TwinCAT 3 IoT Communicator ("TF6730") makes it possible to easily transmit process data to multiple end devices, monitor status changes and send information back to the machine.The TwinCAT 3 IoT Communicator connects the TwinCAT controller to a messaging service, making it easy to set it up within the TwinCAT engineering environment to send and receive messages between the PLC and mobile operating systems. Since the TwinCAT 3 IoT Communicator is based on the publish-subscribe pattern, it does not require any special firewall settings but can be easily integrated into an existing IT network.More information: you for using the TwinCAT IoT Communicator App!This update contains the following new features:• Optimized the way of displaying notifications• Optimized the app icon on new android versions